The Myths About Cold Sores on Lips

There are many ways to treat cold sores on lips. There are several things you should remember before proceeding on when talking about how to prevent a cold sores. First, you must note that cold sores always are caused by HSV-1. This is so because HSV-1 stays dormant in your body until you are exposed to an outbreak. Once you are exposed, you can have an outbreak or not, depending upon the severity of your breakout.

Cold Sores (Fever Blisters) In Kids: Causes And Treatment

Many people believe that when they have cold sores on lips, it’s because they are not paying enough attention to their health. This is also untrue. There are many foods and activities you can do that will help to keep your immune system strong and healthy. Many people have found that by eating healthier foods, exercising more often, and avoiding some types of food when having a breakout, the cold sores that they had before no longer come along. While this may take some time, and requires a commitment from you, it is worth it for your sake.

The second thing you should be aware of is that there are triggers that cause cold sores on lips. These triggers could be anything from pen biting, to drinking from a different glass than the one you normally drink from, to eating foods that you normally would not. It’s important that you identify what causes cold sores on lips in order to avoid them. If you are able to determine what causes your outbreaks, then you will be able to avoid it or at least take precautions to avoid it.

There is a myth out there about what causes cold sores on lips. Some people believe that you can just wait out the outbreak and it will heal on its own; however, there is nothing you can do about it once it heals. The best way to make sure that you don’t spread this disease is to get a treatment early. Once the virus has set itself firmly into your immune system, you will not be able to get it cured unless you treat it effectively.

Another myth is that cold sores on lips can be prevented by using ice. While ice does relieve pain from blisters, it will not stop the herpes virus from setting itself into your immune system. You should also stay away from foods containing large amounts of sugar as these sugars break down into sugars within your body will then try to fight off the virus. The only way to get rid of it is to not eat these foods, which includes anything made from sugar, including candy, cookies, and even ice cream.

If you want to prevent getting cold sores on lips, the only way to do so is to avoid getting a fever blister. Fever blisters can heal on their own, but the healing time is much longer than that of a cold sores. To prevent a fever blister from healing too soon, you should avoid eating or drinking anything that contains large amounts of sugar, which includes candy, cookies, and even ice cream. Instead, you should eat foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These types of foods will help your body fight off viruses and other germs that may cause a fever blister to heal too quickly. If you are prone to getting fever blisters, it may be beneficial to see your doctor about taking medication that will help your body fight off these types of germs.